Trustees in defined benefit (DB) schemes need to act now if they want to preserve the power to refund surplus to employers.
That flat-rate state pension will start at £155.65 a week, George Osborne has revealed.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published a new draft defined contribution (DC) code for consultation in a bid to raise standards of governance and administration.
Insurers completed bulk annuity transactions of £2.5bn in the third quarter, bringing total benefits insured in 2015 to around £6.9bn.
ESOS assessment deadline is imminent
A former owner of Carrington Wire Limited (CWL) has been banned from acting as a company director after helping the firm's parent company dump its defined benefit (DB) scheme.
While auto-enrolment is helping more women to save, much more needs to be done to ensure equal opportunities savings, finds Rebecca Shahoud
Almost 5.5 million people in 60,000 firms have been automatically enrolled since 2012, according to the latest government figures.
Only half of all women in the UK are saving enough for their retirement, while nearly a quarter are saving nothing at all, research finds.
The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) Ombudsman has rejected attempts by a pension scheme to have £132,097 of interest on a late payment of its levy waived.