UK defined benefit schemes ended 2015 with an aggregate deficit of £228bn after another difficult year, according to research from JLT Employee Benefits.
The 0.75% charge cap has been branded ‘nonsense' after government research found most providers could not calculate charges not covered by the limit that members were paying.
The government has kept the qualifying earnings band for auto-enrolment at £10,000, resisting calls to lower the trigger to get more people saving into a pension.
More people are on track with saving for retirement than at any point in the last two years, but the vast majority are still not putting away enough, research finds.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has fined Threadneedle Asset Management more than £6m for having inadequate controls in its fixed income front office.
Aegon has overhauled its workplace pension default funds in response to the extra retirement flexibilities introduced in April.
Fulcrum Asset Management has promoted two members of staff, Tim Meggs and Nabeel Abdoula, to partner.
Life expectancy at birth is predicted to reach 100 for female babies born in England in 2064, latest projections from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reveal.
Households headed by someone aged between 65 and 74 now hold more wealth on average than those aged 16 to 44, according to research by the Resolution Foundation.
The Pensions Protection Fund Ombudsman (PPFO) has rejected a complaint held by trustees over the suitability of a PPF levy guarantor.