Witold Bahrke believes we should get used to lower returns from fixed income investments going forward.
UK pension schemes' average allocation to bonds has risen to over 50% for the first time according to The Pension Protection Fund's (PPF's) Purple Book.
James Trask looks at the key issues highlighted in the recent FCA interim market study into asset management.
A recent consultation outlines a 10-step approach to GMP equalisation. However, there is a need for more clarity finds Helen Morrissey.
Tim Sharp says younger people should support the triple lock.
Janice Turner welcomes recent government proposals which will help trustees become more active stewards of the assets they hold.
European pension plans regard Brexit as a headwind for global growth according to a report by CREATE-Research and Amundi.
Aggregate Industries Pension Plan has completed a £135m pensioner buy-in with Just Retirement.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has issued a consultation on indexation and equalisation of guaranteed minimum pensions (GMP) in public service pension schemes.
This year has delivered several political shocks for UK schemes in the form of Brexit and the outcome of the US general election. However, as Europe gears up for a round of elections next year Helen Morrissey asks what schemes need to watch out for.