Johnson Controls International has appointed XPS Pensions as investment and actuarial adviser for two of its schemes, following a competitive tender process.
The Co-operative Group's Somerfield Pension Scheme has completed a buy-in with Pension Insurance Corporation (PIC), insuring the benefits of its pensioner members.
This week's Pensions Buzz respondents were almost equally split on whether The Pensions Regulator (TPR) needed a fresh strategy as its chief executive changes.
Defined benefit schemes are taking fresh approaches to liability-matching and repositioning their return-seeking investments, says Alastair O'Dell.
This week, PP asked Pensions Buzz peers what they thought the new Single Financial Guidance Body should be called. Kim Kaveh looks at the contenders.
Redington has unveiled a report asking if DB consolidation is good for schemes and members. Kim Kaveh looks at the detail.
Bradford-based accounts manager Mansoor Nasir has admitted to lying to The Pensions Regulator (TPR) about auto-enrolling 103 members of staff in a pension scheme.
Legal and General (L&G) has appointed Joanne Segars as a member of its independent governance committee (IGC).
Two consultancies predict a further acceleration in the bulk annuity market in 2019. Kim Kaveh looks at what schemes should consider.
Parliament's Work and Pensions Committee has launched an inquiry into contingent charging on defined benefit (DB) pension transfer advice.