Debenhams' creditors have passed a company voluntary arrangement (CVA), meaning its defined benefit (DB) schemes will leave Pension Protection Fund (PPF) assessment if the process completes successfully.
A parliamentary group has been set up to introduce a national strategy which focuses on the benefits of longevity, rather than the "problems" of an ageing UK population.
The government's auto-enrolment provider NEST has teamed up with KAS Bank to offer a cost transparency service for its range of target date and specialist funds, to launch in Q2 2019.
TPT Retirement Solutions has transferred members from the £30m Hinckley & Rugby Building Society's defined benefit (DB) pension scheme.
Salvus Master Trust and the Aspire Savings Trust have submitted their master trust authorisation applications to The Pensions Regulator, after being granted extensions of up to six weeks.
Respondents were divided on whether trustees should be subject to a term limit.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has launched a consultation on the intergenerational implications for pensions in both accumulation and decumulation for savers.
A Barnett Waddingham survey highlights the continued decline in DB schemes. Kim Kaveh looks at the data.
Four more master trusts applied for authorisation to The Pensions Regulator (TPR) after the end of March deadline, according to its latest monthly update.
Smart Pension has been selected to take part in the Department for International Trade's (DIT) pilot Fintech Bridge programme in Australia, which aims to boost the UK fintech industry.