Electronics retail group DSG International suffered a £114.7m slump in its funding position last year, final results show.
The collective intake of breath has been almost audible as the pain of public sector belt tightening begins to seep through the economy. Some £6.25bn of initial cuts - £500m of which was reinvested - have been swiftly followed by £2bn in project cancellations....
British Airways has reached agreement with the trustees of the New Airways Pension Scheme and Airways Pension Scheme on a recovery plan to address its £3.7bn funding deficit.
The pensions industry is set to revolt over EU attempts to reignite the issue of solvency standards in pension schemes.
EUROPE - The pensions industry is set to revolt over EU attempts to reignite the issue of solvency standards in pension schemes.
The government's decision to calculate public sector pension liabilities using Consumer Price Inflation rather than Retail Price Inflation will hit lower earners hardest, a consultant warns.
UK - British Airways has reached an agreement with the trustees of the New Airways Pension Scheme and Airways Pension Scheme on a recovery plan to address its £3.7bn (US$5.4bn) funding deficit.
The Pensions Advisory Service has made five volunteer advisers ‘Fellows of TPAS' in recognition of their service to the organisation.
British Airways has reached agreement with the trustees of the New Airways Pension Scheme and Airways Pension Scheme on a recovery plan to address its £3.7bn funding deficit.
The £1.3bn Superannuation Arrangements of the University of London has awarded a real return investment mandate to Newton Investment Management.