The London Pension Fund Authority's (LPFA) funding level climbed to 91% in the three years to 31 March 2013, its triennial valuation reveals.
Aegon has announced charge cuts to its One Retirement and Aegon Retirement Choices (ARC) solutions, following last month's Budget.
Pension schemes are being left in limbo after major Budget changes come into effect yesterday - but without the necessary supporting regulations.
A 0.75% charge cap will apply to all defined contribution (DC) schemes used for auto-enrolment (AE) from April 2015, pensions minister Steve Webb has confirmed.
Retirees should have access to "specialist basic advice", not unregulated guidance, independent consultant Ros Altmann says.
Naomi Rainey looks at the master trust’s approach to defined contribution investment
Naomi Rainey examines the potential impact of the government’s defined contribution revolution on defined benefit schemes
Naomi Rainey says HMRC's extra powers will make no difference
Investment consultants must support pension scheme trustees in targeting environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, Association of Member Nominated Trustees (AMNT) founding co-chairman Barry Parr says.