Industry Voice: Member options exercises can usually be tailored to make sure that they meet a pension scheme's long-term objectives.
Industry Voice: Over the past three years, sponsors and trustees have been navigating their way through the pension freedoms and trying to predict what impact they will have on their pension schemes.
Alongside the Freedom and Choice provisions was a requirement that members who have a transfer value over £30,000 must take independent financial advice from a suitably qualified individual before they are able to transfer their benefits out of a defined...
Member options often provide a win-win opportunity for all stakeholders involved in a pension scheme. Here, Aon analyses the different options available and why trustees and companies are making them available to pension scheme members.
With pressures on health unlikely to abate in the near future, Aon's Guide to Risk Settlement analyses the cost of longevity reinsurance.
"The solvency deficit reported by our scheme actuary is much bigger than the company can afford. It's not worth us thinking about buyout now.. is it?"
Navigating the settlement market to find a solution that best meets an investor’s needs is a challenge that continues to plague the market
Royal London Asset Management chief executive Andrew Carter explains how the group is 'reinventing itself' to broaden its appeal to retail investors and capitalise on freedom and choice.